Second Scan 6 – 12 Weeks £97


This rate applies to women who have been to see us before during this pregnancy. Otherwise the early viability scan rate is charged.

From 8 weeks onwards the baby is approximately 15mm in size, has a clear heartbeat and little limb buds can be seen. The head and body can be differentiated and the first little movements are sometimes visible. If you are having twins it is usually possible to tell which type of twins they are, ie whether they share a placenta or not. We can’t tell you if they will be identical or not though, this is only known after they are born!

From 9 weeks the arms and legs have developed and the baby wiggles about and it gets even more active at 10 weeks. At this stage it is several centimetres in size.

It is often possible at your second scan to get good images using the abdominal (tummy) probe, providing you bladder is full. Please drink 1-1.5 pints of fluids at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment. As long as you don’t have a lot of sickness! If you are suffering we understand you may not be able to manage drinking this much.

Please note that the purpose of our early scans is to diagnose viability. Structural abnormalities are difficult to spot at this early stage and best looked for at the 20 week anomaly scan.


What our clients say about us

“We were both delighted with the service, in the run up to the scan, with our questions being answered reassuringly and on the actual day. You were friendly and helpful Continue Reading