Presentation scan – 36-42 weeks £119
This scan is to check which way around the baby is towards the end of pregnancy. Most babies are head down (cephalic) but a few decide to be bottom down (breech). It’s important to know which way round the baby is as there is evidence that a caesarean birth may be safer for breech babies. Furthermore, knowing that your baby is breech early enough gives you the opportunity to choose whether or not to have the baby gently turned to the right way round by your obstetrician, allowing a safe vaginal birth. Most, but not all breech babies are picked up by your midwife feeling your tummy. A scan is a more reliable way to check.
Prior to 36 weeks babies still have plenty of room to move around and often still change position by themselves. That is why we recommend having this scan from 36 weeks onwards.
At this scan we will also check the baby’s wellbeing by measuring the fluid around the baby. We will show you the heartbeat and movements. We will measure the baby and perform a doppler to check the blood flow through the placenta. If there are any concerns we will contact your midwife or hospital team. A written report will be provided as well as 2D thermal printed images of your baby.
Please bring your maternity handheld notes along with you to the appointment.