Growth Scan – 24-42 weeks £119
Fetal Growth or Well-Being scans can be performed at any stage after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
This scan is for women who are concerned about their pregnancy for any reason. A growing baby is a healthy baby so sometimes they are done in a sequence.
During this scan we measure the baby’s head, abdomen and limbs, and estimate the baby’s weight. This gives a guide to how big your baby will be at birth. We also look at how the baby is moving, the amount of amniotic fluid, and where the placenta is. We will also assess the Doppler blood flow in the umbilical cord blood vessels. It is also possible to tell the sex of your baby from this scan, but this becomes more difficult as you approach the end of your pregnancy.
What is currently offered by the NHS?
Pregnant woman are offered two routine ultrasound scans: One at approximately 12 weeks and the other at 20 weeks of pregnancy. A well-being and Growth scan is not usually offered on the NHS unless:
- The placenta is low at the 20 week scan
- An abnormality was seen
- If the baby was measuring too small or big at the 20 week scan
- Previous premature delivery
- Previous pre-eclampsia
- Diabetes or Gestational diabetes
- If the midwife measures the symphysis fundal height, and it is 2 weeks or more less than expected.
What are the indications or reasons for having this scan?
- As a second opinion
- As reassurance
- Calm and relaxing environment
- Reduced movement of the baby
- Bleeding or fluid loss
- To check baby’s position
When can I have the scan?
A well-being scan ideally is performed any time after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
What structures of the baby can be checked?
The fetal anatomy should have been checked in detail at the 20 week mid-trimester anomaly scan on the NHS. Depending on the fetal position, the stomach, kidneys and bladder are checked after 24 weeks.
Aims of the wellbeing scan.
- Confirming the fetal position eg. breech.
- Measuring the size of the fetal head, abdomen and thigh bone and calculation of an estimate of fetal weight.
- Examinations of the movement of the fetus.
- Checking the placental position and appearance.
- Measurement of the amount of amniotic fluid.
- Assessment of blood flow in the umbilical cord by Doppler ultrasound to assess placental function.
Results of the Scan.
Results will be given to you at the time of your visit and a copy of the report and growth charts will be given to you. In the event of an abnormal result, we will contact your midwife. Please bring your maternity handheld notes along with you to the appointment.