Gender Scan – 16-24 weeks TWINS £119
[Please ensure you are 16 weeks by your given Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) at your NHS dating scan before booking]
This is a scan to look for whether you are having boys, girls, or one of each. It is 97% accurate – we cannot guarantee to absolutely always get it right! The later we scan the more accurate it is so we recommend waiting until at least 17 weeks if you can, and 18 weeks is even better.
We will also look for the babies’ heartbeats, movements, and take some images on thermal prints or USB stick for you to keep. Measurements will be taken to check the twins are growing well. If the gender is proving difficult to determine we will ask you to go for a walk then try again. If we still cannot tell with enough certainty then we will offer you one complimentary rescan.
We can perform a gender scan for you later than 24 weeks, but towards the very end of the pregnancy it is sometimes more difficult, and you may prefer to book one of our other more detailed scans which include a look at baby’s gender.
Please note that this is not an anomaly scan. Anomaly scans are extended examinations where detailed inspections of the baby’s organs are made in order to look for any structural abnormalities. We do offer this service but it is a much longer appointment therefore a higher fee is charged. The NHS offers all pregnant women an anomaly scan free of charge at around 20 weeks.