What does a pregnancy of uncertain viability mean?
The results of an ultrasound scan are separated into several categories, such as a viable intrauterine pregnancy, a pregnancy of uncertain viability or a delayed miscarriage. There are other categories that won’t be discussed in this blog. A scan result of...
Antral Follicle Count
What is an antral follicle count? This is something we look for when doing an ultrasound scan to check a woman’s fertility. It is a count of the number of little follicles on each ovary. These appear as little dark, roughly round areas about 2-9mm in size. Why...
Dispelling ultrasound myths
Ultrasound began way back in the 1800’s, which is something many people don’t realise. However it wasn’t incorporated into pregnancy care and gynaecology until 1958. 3D ultrasound was developed in Tokyo in the 1980’s, with the first 3D images...
Why should I book a private pelvic ultrasound scan?
The current crisis in the NHS has resulted in long waiting lists for referrals to gynaecology and routine investigations such as ultrasound scans. The NHS simply does not have the capacity to deal with all the scans requests in a timely manner, with many very sick...