Pregnancy Cravings and Aversions
Have you experienced bizarre pregnancy cravings or been super sensitive to certain smells? Being pregnant can be an incredibly strange and overwhelming time. There’s so much happening to your body and mind during this time that it’s no surprise if you’re having some...
Safe Travels to the AEPU Conference!
The Association of Early Pregnancy Unit ( AEPU) annual Scientific meeting is being held in Telford this year and two of our Nurse Practitioners are fortunate enough to have secured a place. They are very excited to be able to spend two full days with other...
Top tips to help manage SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction).
Following Debbie’s previous blog a few months ago on Pelvic Girdle Pain in pregnancy, I thought I would share with you some tips for managing this painful condition which really helped me in all my pregnancies. I too had severe SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) from...
Symphysis pubis dysfunction ( SPD) or Pelvic Girdle Pain ( PGP)
Symphysis pubis dysfunction ( SPD) or Pelvic Girdle Pain ( PGP) I suffered with SPD in both of my pregnancies and I shudder when I think about it and remember the pain. One pregnancy was definitely worse than the other and I think knowing about it, what it is and how...