Air travel in Pregnancy

Air travel in Pregnancy

Is it safe to fly in pregnancy? This is a common question we are asked as health care professionals.  As we enter the summer period, you may have planned a trip abroad for a holiday or to visit family. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)...
What does a pregnancy of uncertain viability mean?

What does a pregnancy of uncertain viability mean?

The results of an ultrasound scan are separated into several categories, such as a viable intrauterine pregnancy, a pregnancy of uncertain viability or a delayed miscarriage. There are other categories that won’t be discussed in this blog. A scan result of...
Migraine in Women

Migraine in Women

Migraines are the most common type of headache that make us contact our doctor. They can be worse during the week before our period, and in the perimenopause. Thankfully 50-90% of women find they improve during pregnancy! Here are my top tips for managing migraines....

What our clients say about us

“We were both delighted with the service, in the run up to the scan, with our questions being answered reassuringly and on the actual day. You were friendly and helpful Continue Reading