Air travel in Pregnancy
Is it safe to fly in pregnancy? This is a common question we are asked as health care professionals. As we enter the summer period, you may have planned a trip abroad for a holiday or to visit family. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)...
Pain Relief In Labour
Thinking ahead about your labour and being mentally prepared can help you feel more in control and less worried about the delivery. Antenatal classes are helpful for this and there are many different ones to choose from, from NCT to hypnobirthing. Reading pregnancy...
What does my ultrasound report mean?
When you come for an ultrasound scan, you will be issued with a medical ultrasound report. Whether you are seen here in our lovely private service at Somerset Early Scans, or in the NHS, a report will always be issued. So what is the report for and what do the words...
What does a pregnancy of uncertain viability mean?
The results of an ultrasound scan are separated into several categories, such as a viable intrauterine pregnancy, a pregnancy of uncertain viability or a delayed miscarriage. There are other categories that won’t be discussed in this blog. A scan result of...